Using Cognitive Tools to Enhance Learning Experiences
Virtual field trips are an excellent way to provide students with a learning experience that may not be financially practical or even possible. The use of 21st Century technology provides classrooms the opportunity to bridge the impractical to practical. For my assignment, my students are learning about the famous Architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Because of the geographic location of his designs and works, having a field trip is financially impossible. Using 21st Century technology, such as the internet and podcast; students are able to explore the mind of Frank Lloyd Wright in detail. For the assignment, I gave student several different assignment requirements that they have to research.
The requirements, biography, famous buildings and pictures; needed to be recorded digitally. For my assignment, I used the website to complete the requirements. My students used the Microsoft Word to create a bubble chart and text documentation. Students found the activity fun because of the flexibility and organization of the bubble chart. The ability to relate the information to one another using the “paths” gave students a visual road map of Wrights life and accomplishments.
Dr. Orey claims that the addition of pictures to information allows for a higher retention rate in the human mind (Laureate Education, 2010). Following the completion of the assignment, I tested the students on the name of several building that Frank Lloyd Wright designed and I had over 85% passing rate (35 students). The general feel from the student that they enjoyed using different forms of technology to explore and document their findings.
Laureate Education, Inc. (2010). Behaviorist Learning Theory. Baltimore, MD: Dr. Michael Orey.
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American Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright